English 3, Post 2, 'Why did I choose my major (study program)?'

 Warm Salutations, Earthlings from FCQF

In this week, you are expected to write about, 

- your dream job when you were a child 
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university 
- what made you decide on this major? 
- your experience at the university until now 

 > word count: 130 words 
 > don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts (optional) and on your teacher's post as well (compulsory). 

 As usual, I leave a sample post for you to make fun of or to take as a starting point for your own written work, 

Since I was a child, I did not think about getting a job or dreaming –daydreaming, perhaps- about getting a job. I did not contemplate the idea of an ideal job because it simply did not exist in my childish world. I was really into video games, soccer, and cycling. Now, that I think of it, I never imagined myself making money out of playing video games or playing soccer. I thought they were only hobbies to spend my time on. 
When applying to a University program, there was a hand of career options I seriously considered following: Philosophy, Literature, Medicine, and Law. I decided on English Pedagogy because I saw English as a medium for reaching an end (nowadays I still do), what sort of end, you might ask. It was an end that allowed me to combine Literature and Education and watch them both from other perspectives, the ones from an English-speaking country. 

When recalling some experiences from my experience at University, I only will tell you they were not as satisfactory as I could have thought they would be, mainly because of an idealism one may nurture from adolescence, or because I felt sort of misplaced inside the university community itself. I would like to think it was because of the latter. 
There is no ideal job for me to think of, but I would like to say that I would like to lecture on two topics; (a) English Literature as a matter of intellectual escapism, and (b) Methodology and Applied Linguistics to prospective Teachers of English as a Second Language. 

What about you? 
Thanks for reading, 


  1. Professor, I love that you have been able to combine both things that you liked the most and dedicate yourself to it.
    Idealizing is very true but I think it's not bad to have these very high goals and also to know that these can fail so that if it happens it doesn't affect so much
    Did you feel out of place for the University in which you studied your environment?

  2. Something similar happened to me when I was a child, I only thought about toys and dolls.

  3. Interesting blog, most of us when we are children do not see reality and we are always in our world, until we grow up and realize that it is not so easy.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I also idealized the university a lot, now for me it's routine and a lot of stress.

  5. I also idealized the university a lot, now for me it's routine and a lot of stress.*

  6. What video games did you play kid?

  7. I considered Medicine as a career option too.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I wanted to study medicine, but the score on the PSU and PDT tests did not cooperate with me.

  10. It's good to find a major that "combines" different areas of interest that were considered when applying for a university degree.
    That's what happened to me with Biochemistry!

  11. I also liked soccer a lot when I was a child, now I hate it


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